Southern Cross School of Distance Education

Providing quality distance education since 1995

Learning in distance education

Studying through distance education is a partnership between students, supervisors and the school.

Supervisor and student information

Information booklets outline the responsibilities of students and their supervisors. They contain information on how to organise learning in distance education, including receiving and submitting work, planning a timetable, how assessment tasks and exams are managed and so on.

Weekly work

Students must complete work in every subject every week to satisfy NESA requirements. Teachers create teaching and learning programs which breaks student work up into weekly teaching and learning activities. Most weeks students will need to submit evidence of their learning.


Students in distance education receive feedback from their teachers in a variety of ways. As well as during online lessons, students can receive written and oral feedback on their work and progress. 

Both students and supervisors should carefully read all teacher feedback to make improvements and help learning progress.


As well as formal feedback on learning, teachers also contact students and supervisors via phone, email, SMS and online messaging. For successful outcomes in distance education, open communication between teachers and their students and supervisors is vital.

Assessment and reporting

Generally, supervisors are responsible for monitoring the authenticity of student work. If your child is struggling with the work, please contact the teacher to discuss adjustments. 

Assessment tasks must be completed by their due date and supervised to ensure it's the students own work. 

For assessment schedules and guidelines visit assessment and reporting.