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Southern Cross School of Distance Education

Southern Cross School of Distance Education

Providing quality distance education since 1995

You are not alone, even if you feel as though you are at times. There are plenty of people and services that are available to support and assist you.

All you need to do is ask.


Your teachers want you to do the very best that you can in their subject. They teach you, mark your classwork and assessment tasks, offer feedback and suggestions to help you to improve your skills and knowledge and have a pretty good idea of what you are capable of. They are best placed to give you specific information about how you can improve. So, if you have questions about your course work, the syllabus, areas you should be focusing on, or need a pep talk or some reassurance about what you are doing, reach out to your teacher. Send them an email, give them a call, and ask for some help.

Your year adviser and the school counsellor are also good sources of general support related to school and other areas of your life. Again, make contact and have a chat about what is worrying you. 


Your parents or carers and family are a source of care and emotional support for you. Additionally, they were responsible for your initial learning in life, teaching you your first skills and knowledge of life. They often know you better than anyone else does and they want you to become the best person that you can be. Spend regular time with your family and talk to them honestly about what is going on in your life and how they can best support you. 


Friends are like ‘the family we chose for ourselves.’ Often, your friends will have similar interests, you will trust them and feel comfortable talking about most topics. Additionally, they may be experiencing some of the same things as you. This makes your friends great people to talk to, spend time with and reach out to when you need some additional support.


There are organisations and services that can provide urgent and critical, professional support to you. If your concerns are big, where talking to a trusted adult or a friend is good, but not good enough, consider making an appointment with your GP or a counsellor. Additionally, call a free helpline or connect with a support person one-on-one over the web. Someone is available to listen to you, and talking about your problems and concerns, whether large or small, is always helpful. The services listed below can be accessed at any time of the day and you can remain anonymous whilst receiving the support you need.

Many of these organisations also have a wealth of resources and information on their website about a variety of topics that can be helpful even when you are not in immediate need for support.

Remember, help is always available.

Kidshelpline: call 1800 55 1800 OR visit

Lifeline: call 13 11 14 OR visit

Headspace: call 1800 810 794 for work and study help OR visit their website to register for free online or telephone support and counselling

Beyondblue: call 1300 22 4636 OR visit

Reachout: visit

Andrew Fuller - a clinical psychologist specialising in the wellbeing of young people: visit

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