Southern Cross School of Distance Education

Providing quality distance education since 1995

Merit and award guidelines


Southern Cross School of Distance Education (SCSoDE) merit and award scheme rewards students’ engagement in learning activities. It is designed to provide a sense of achievement which often leads to increased self-esteem. 



Merit awards

Teachers are encouraged to issue merit awards to their students regularly. Merit award categories include:

  • Academic
  • Citizenship
  • Consistent effort
  • Positive engagement in learning
  • Cultural
  • Improvement
  • Participation


Merit Scheme

There are three levels in the Southern Cross School Distance Education merit system: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Students will receive merit awards from their teachers and/or Student Advisers. Each awarded merit is worth 1 point.

These points accumulate entitling the student to be issued with a bronze, silver, or gold level certificate. In addition to a certificate, students will be awarded a small congratulatory gift. The number of points required is dependent on the number of subjects a student is studying via distance education.

The cumulative points required for a student studying full-time (minimum of 3 subjects with SCSODE) for each level are as follows:

·           Bronze – 7 points – SCSoDE pen

·           Silver – 14 points – SCSoDE water bottle

·           Gold – 21 points – SCSoDE Medallion 


The cumulative points required for a single subject student (maximum of 2 subjects with SCSoDE) for each level are as follows:

·           Bronze – 4 points – SCSoDE pen

·           Silver – 8 points – SCSoDE water bottle

·           Gold – 12 points – SCSoDE Medallion 


The Head Teacher Administration will review DEMS entries to identify potential bronze, silver, and gold recipients. They will notify the student advisers with student names and awards eligible to receive.

The Head Teacher Administration will organise the printing of certificates once per term, and provide information to be published in the student newsletter.

Gold awards will only be presented at the annual Presentation Day ceremony.